Perencanaan tata ruang perkotaan di wilayah Kota Tanggerang dalam merespon pengembangan pembangunan di wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam perspektif Transit Oriented Development
sistem transportasi terintegrasi, kawasan berorientasi transit, Kota Tangerang, Kawasan Strategis NasionalAbstract
Introduction: Tangerang City is part of the Banten Province region located in the easternmost part and directly borders the West Region of DKI Jakarta. As a buffer area and directly impacted by social activities with DKI Jakarta, Tangerang City has a significant influence in realizing the DKI Jakarta Region as the core area of the national strategic area program from the aspect of economic growth as stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2020 concerning the Urban Spatial Plan of Jakarta, Bogor Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, Cianjur. With the establishment of this regulation, urban spatial planning in Tangerang City must support and orient towards the Metropolitan City capable of supporting the development of DKI Jakarta as the core area of the national strategic area, one of which is by meeting the needs of the community who want to be active in DKI Jakarta. Method: Through literature studies, the author tries to analyze how far the Tangerang City Government’s efforts in providing adequate mass transportation infrastructure in terms of quantity, easy access, modern, smart, environmentally friendly, timely, and integrated with the DKI Jakarta Region.
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