Penertiban lahan dan dampak sosial ekonomi: Studi kasus pengelolaan limbah elektronik di DKI Jakarta


  • Ika Noor Musliha Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Elsa Herda Adeline Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


reorganization, arrangement, slum, village, settlement , Jakarta


Introduction: The Indonesian government, particularly the Jakarta Provincial Government, has been conducting land reorganization, including forced evictions, to create environmental protection areas. This reorganization is aimed at various projects such as normalization, area revitalization, and infrastructure development. Method: Data regarding these policies have been collected and analyzed qualitatively. Reorganization has been carried out in 16 villages in Jakarta, which are located in protective function areas with high disaster vulnerability. Conclusion:. One of them is Kampung Akuarium, which is part of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) program to prevent Jakarta from sinking due to flooding and abrasion. However, this reorganization and relocation have caused socio-economic impacts, such as loss of property and limitations on social activities. Therefore, in planning the first stage of village organization, it is necessary to consider aspects of multi-disaster vulnerability and socio-economic impacts on the community.


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