Urbanisasi Jakarta dan dampaknya terhadap sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan
urbanization, socio-economic impact, environmentAbstract
Introduction: Urbanization refers to the increasing proportion of people residing in large cities. The growth and urbanization of the global human population have escalated rapidly over the past 50 years. DKI Jakarta, as the capital of Indonesia, has also experienced rapid population growth and urbanization, with a population growth rate of 0.94% per year. The aim of this study is to understand the population conditions and causes of urbanization in Jakarta, as well as to identify the social, economic, and environmental impacts resulting from this urbanization process. Method: The approach and method used in this paper are qualitative. Conclusion: Physical, socio-economic, and environmental factors significantly influence population and urban expansion. Some causes of urbanization include: industrial revolution; industrialization post-industrial revolution; emergence of large manufacturing centers; job opportunities; availability of easy transportation; migration. Urbanization in Jakarta has led to the existence of slums, increased transportation activities, increased demand for residential and commercial land, lack of job creation opportunities, and insufficient infrastructure development. The positive impact of urbanization is the development of capital networks, knowledge networks, and information networks. Urbanization also impacts the environment such as water, soil, and air pollution; climate change; energy use; waste and environmental sanitation issues; unplanned development.
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