Studi bahaya pencemaran tumpahan kargo curah kering akibat kecelakaan kapal (studi kasus kapal x di perairan Pulau Bawean)


  • Silmina Sabila Ilmu Lingkungan, Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Haruki Agustina Environmental Science, School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia



cement industry, dry bulk cargoes , ship accidents, social economics


Marine transportation has the potential to pose a pollution threat through ship accidents. Dangerous dry bulk cargoes carried may provide direct exposure to the marine environment. Dry bulk cargoes such as coal and iron ore are examples of dangerous dry bulk cargoes. However, current information regarding the dangers of pollution from spilled dry bulk cargo is still very limited. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the pollution hazard from spills of dry bulk cargo due to the X ship accident. The method used is a mixed methods descriptive analysis of hazards and socio-economic impacts. The results obtained are that the dry bulk cargo spill has an impact on marine environmental conditions, with an estimated spill distribution of 874,187km2 and there is no socio-economic impact on the community around the location.


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How to Cite

Sabila, S., & Agustina, H. (2024). Studi bahaya pencemaran tumpahan kargo curah kering akibat kecelakaan kapal (studi kasus kapal x di perairan Pulau Bawean). Journal of Marine Problems and Threats, 1(1).




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