About the Journal

Journal of Marine Problems and Threats (JMarPT) stands as a beacon in the realm of coastal conservation, waste management, and climate action. Our esteemed platform is dedicated to fostering scholarly discussions and disseminating cutting-edge research that not only enriches academic discourse but also actively contributes to the preservation of coastal ecosystems and the mitigation of environmental degradation.

Journal of Marine Problems and Threats (JMarPT) stands as a beacon of scholarly excellence, committed to advancing the discourse and dissemination of pioneering research in the realms of coastal conservation, waste management, and climate action. Our esteemed platform serves as a vital conduit for academics, researchers, and practitioners to explore, innovate, and advocate for the preservation of coastal ecosystems, while confronting the multifaceted challenges posed by environmental degradation. Through rigorous inquiry and collaborative engagement, JoSEAS endeavors to propel the frontier of knowledge, catalyzing impactful solutions and fostering a global community dedicated to the sustainable stewardship of our precious coastal environments. With a commitment to promoting sustainable practices, JoSEAS serves as a vital conduit for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners alike, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and innovative solutions to the pressing challenges facing our oceans and coastal regions.

At JMarPT, we embrace a holistic approach to our thematic scope, recognizing the interconnectedness of diverse disciplines and the imperative of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing pressing environmental concerns. From the ecological intricacies of coastal habitats to the socioeconomic dynamics of waste management and the imperative of climate resilience, our journal provides a dynamic platform for scholars to interrogate complex issues, exchange insights, and chart a course toward a more sustainable future. With a commitment to excellence and integrity, JoSEAS aims to publish original research, reviews, and perspectives that push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to evidence-based policymaking and practical interventions.

Join us in our mission to safeguard the seas, empower communities, and inspire transformative change. Together, we can navigate the challenges of the 21st century with resilience, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to the health and vitality of our coastal ecosystems.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari) 2024
					View Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari) 2024
Published: 2024-02-29


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