Restorasi terumbu karang: upaya mempertahankan kesehatan ekosistem laut


  • Donar sagala sagala sekolah ilmu lingkungan universitas indonesia, Indonesia
  • Lisa Meidiyanti Lautetu
  • M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga
  • Rohadatul Aisy Afla



coral reefs, restoration, ecosystem health , marine ecosystem


Coral reefs play a crucial role in marine ecosystems, yet their high vulnerability renders them susceptible to damage. The process of coral reef recovery is time-consuming and highly complex. Coral reef degradation can significantly degrade the quality of marine ecosystems. Coral reef restoration can be achieved through various physical and biological methods. This paper discusses various coral reef restoration efforts and identifies several key causes of coral reef ecosystem damage. With a deeper understanding of these issues, it is hoped that awareness and action can be enhanced to preserve and restore coral reef health for the sustainability of marine ecosystems.


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How to Cite

sagala, D. sagala, Lisa Meidiyanti Lautetu, M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga, & Rohadatul Aisy Afla. (2024). Restorasi terumbu karang: upaya mempertahankan kesehatan ekosistem laut . Journal of Marine Problems and Threats, 1(1).




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