Wellness tourism management: Critical insights of Thailand and Indonesia
special interest tourism, sustainable, tourism, tourist destinations, wellness tourismAbstract
Background: Wellness tourism is a tourist activity that can increase the relaxation, physical, and mental well-being of humans. This study aims to review and compare wellness tourism management patterns in Thailand and Indonesia, which were captured from the study conducted in 2021-2023. Methods: The method used in this study is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). In the search process, this literature was used Publish or Perish, Mendeley, and VOS viewer with a publication period of 2021-2023. Finding: The findings show that in managing wellness tourism, the focus is not only on paying attention to the types of attractions or activities that will be provided to guests, but other elements need to be considered, such as elements of environmental, economic, and socio-cultural management. Conclusion: Thailand's wellness tourism management is very fast in following the development of the wellness tourism business, supported by human resources who have the same potential as Indonesia who potentially develop environmentally friendly services and product variations.
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