Analisis solusi untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah di kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke
mangrove ecosystem, marine debris, SMMA area, waste managementAbstract
Introduction: In 2020, marine waste in Indonesia reached 521,540 tons, mostly due to marine activity, with the mangrove ecosystem being the most affected. Even though various parties have tried to clean and collect waste in the SMMA Area (Angke Mangrove Wildlife Reserve), the problem of waste generation is still an unresolved environmental problem. The increasing amount of waste in the area can disrupt mangrove restoration efforts and disrupt the regeneration of natural ecosystems. Result: According to research observations, in the SMMA environment, especially during high tide, there is still a generation of waste consisting of plastic, styrofoam, wood, cloth, and electronic waste. Plastic and styrofoam waste comes from food and drink packaging, and other types of waste, such as wood and plywood, can come from rivers or from activities around SMMA. Waste generation in mangrove environments includes fabric and polymer waste, such as pampers and clothing. Because it interferes with air aeration in the root system, plastic waste is the main cause of damage to the growth of mangrove vegetation. Waste in the SMMA mangrove ecosystem is defined as specific waste that appears irregularly, contains hazardous waste, and comes from various sources, such as household waste and building waste. Conclusion: Waste control in the SMMA area is regulated by PP Number 27 of 2020, which emphasizes the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Waste sorting, collection, transportation, processing, and final processing are all part of this effort. Good waste management in the SMMA area is very important to prevent environmental pollution, protect human health, and maintain the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem.
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