Evaluasi Pengelolaan Limbah Elektronik di Indonesia


  • Ari Kabul kabul Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia,, Indonesia
  • Lisa M. Lautetu
  • M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga
  • Caecilia Meyta R
  • Defi Darylianty Debora




waste, electronic, environment, Indonesia , management, regulation, stakeholder


Introduction: Electronic waste is a type of waste that is now becoming a visible problem. The high consumption rate of electronic waste and its relatively short lifespan are some of the reasons for the increasing amount of electronic waste. The total amount of electronic waste in Indonesia in 2019 was estimated to reach 1.62 million tons. The large amount of electronic waste in Indonesia has not yet been managed properly, one of the reasons being the absence of specific regulations governing the comprehensive management of electronic waste. In Indonesia, electronic waste is still generally classified into the category of hazardous and toxic waste (B3). The promising economic value of the electronic waste business also presents other problems from the management of electronic waste in Indonesia, which keeps the strong influence of the informal sector in its supply chain. Inadequate management of electronic waste will have negative impacts not only on the environment, but also on social and economic factors. Result: The importance of drafting specific regulations governing the management of electronic waste in Indonesia needs to be realized immediately, considering that electronic waste is an entity that requires the responsibility of all elements involved, from producers, consumers, collectors, to the role of the government.


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