Post-Consumer Plastic Waste Management Strategy: A Study of Producer Responsibility Implementation


  • Siti Kardian Pramiati School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia



analytical hierarchy process (AHP), circular economy, extended producer responsibility (EPR), plastic waste management


Background: The dynamic urban lifestyle changes human behaviour in selecting consumer goods products. Urban communities prefer goods in suitable and economical packaging when carrying out their activities. This study was conducted in Jakarta and aimed to analyze the perceptions of consumers, producers, and the role of the informal sector in waste management so that alternative producers' responsibility schemes can be formulated in the management of post-consumption plastic waste. Methods: In this study, quantitative and qualitative methods were used with data analysis using descriptive statistics. In the next step, an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been prepared for identifying the best alternative scheme of EPR for post-consumer plastic waste management. Findings: They showed that the highest criteria value (0,27) that was considered in the EPR implementation was the environmental impacts potential criteria. At the stage of selecting alternative EPR schemes, the highest to lowest scores respectively are partnership schemes with waste management organizations (2.83), product design optimization (2.78), post-consumption waste recall (2.11), and development of recycling facility (1,28). There are some fundamental issues that are considered in the waste management system in Indonesia, including limited capacity for waste management in the regions, inadequate infrastructure, application of regulations, and lack of public awareness, including in the consumer goods manufacturing industry. Conclusion: The results of the study emphasize the need for the implementation of a circular economy, especially in the field of plastic waste. Novelty/Originality of this article: Through the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) concept approach, this research sheds light that the manufacturing industry is more encouraged to contribute to their post- consumer waste management.


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