Exploring Food Waste Practices and Sustainability Awareness Among Vegetable and Fruit Sellers: A Pathway to Improved Waste Management


  • Izzah Aisyah Ridlani Ridlani School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia




behavior, food waste, fruit sellers, knowledge, vegetable sellers


Background: Food waste has emerged as a global challenge, raising widespread concerns due to its significant environmental impacts. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12—particularly Indicator 12.3, which targets global food loss and waste—Indonesia faces an annual food waste level of 115–184 kg per capita, with fruits and vegetables being notably inefficient sectors and major contributors to emissions. Against this backdrop, this study focuses on the knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors of vegetable and fruit sellers at Pasar Minggu Traditional Market, one of Jakarta’s oldest and largest traditional markets. Methods: Employing a qualitative design, the research conducted in-depth interviews with six participants (three vegetable sellers and three fruit sellers) and utilized both deductive and inductive thematic analysis to construct themes and subthemes. Findings: The analysis identified four subthemes: basic understanding of waste, perspectives and awareness toward food waste, food waste management practices, and challenges in food waste management. Most participants demonstrated limited knowledge of food waste and reported feelings of sadness, regret, or frustration when confronted with piles of discarded food. Waste management is carried out through strategies such as redistribution, processing, and, as a last resort, disposal in designated areas. Conclusion: This study concludes that vegetable and fruit traders in Pasar Minggu show limited awareness of food waste, underscoring the need for targeted awareness campaigns by relevant authorities to promote sustainable consumption and waste reduction. Novelty/Originality of this article: This research provides an understanding of food waste practices among vegetable and fruit vendors, highlighting their limited awareness and the necessity for focused actions to enhance waste management and promote sustainability within the local market.


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