Potensi ekonomi dan pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan tangkap di Sulawesi Barat


  • Muhammad Aziz Rizal Sutisna Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Jawa Barat, 45363, Indonesia, Indonesia




capture fisheries; economy; potency;resource utilization.


Background: Natural fisheries resources are an economic potential that requires good and responsible management to ensure that they remain sustainable and sustainable in providing benefits for the continuity of community life and the balance of the marine ecosystem. Methods. This paper uses a literature review method sourced from literature, such as scientific articles, books, journals and online media. Findings: Data shows that the amount of potential fish resources at WPPNRI 713 out of a total of 9 (nine) types of fish in 2015 was around 1,026,599 tonnes and almost all of them were in exploited and overexploited status but ironically the Western Province based on 2017 data only utilizing a total of 56,100 tons. Conclusion: West Sulawesi Province is in the Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lane (ALKI) II which is a strategic sea lane because it is traversed by many international ships, with the minimal utilization of potential capture fishery resources by West Sulawesi Province, it seems like they have missed the opportunities and potential that exist, so as to be more To increase its utilization, efforts need to be made to improve various aspects so that the potential of West Sulawesi Province's capture fisheries resources can be utilized optimally and responsibly.


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