Komunikasi interpersonal pasangan suami istri yang berpoligami dalam mempertahankan rumah tangga: Studi kasus di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah
household; husband and wife; interpersonal communication; polygamy.Abstract
Background: Effective and efficient interpersonal communication can create all forms of superior human relationships and emphasize the quality of openness, empathy, supportive attitudes, positive attitudes, and equality. As is appropriate with the concepts listed in other social sciences, interpersonal communication has many definitions expressed directly by experts regarding the concept of interpersonal communication. As social beings, humans must have the desire to talk, exchange ideas, send and receive messages or information, and share experiences through cooperation to meet each other's needs. Findings: Highlights how tensions in social interactions can be constructive and inhibiting in achieving sustainable collaboration, depending on how well the plans and main objectives of the partnership can be aligned within the organization. Effective leadership pays attention to every problem of achieving targets. Target achievement refers to a priority scale that requires certainty of time. Methods: The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The researcher is the key instrument, the data collection technique is carried out by triangulation (combination), and data analysis is inductive/qualitative. Qualitative data is data expressed in the form of sentences or descriptions, the data used in this study, namely qualitative data consisting of primary data and secondary data. Conclusion: The author found that the interpersonal communication process of the informants was always marked by the exchange of information when talking to each other, but this did not happen to informant III. All informants always limited the topics they wanted to discuss with their partners in order to maintain the relationship well, except for the wife of informant IV. In the interpersonal communication process, all informants tried to reveal something they did not like about their partners in order to improve their behavior for a quality relationship, except for the husband of informant V. The obstacles or disturbances that occurred in the interpersonal communication process of all informants consisted of physical, psychological, and conflict obstacles. Although the conflict was only experienced by the wife of informant II. Process obstacles and semantic obstacles were not found in the communication process of the informants. Furthermore, the quality of communication possessed by the informants consisted of openness, empathy, supportive attitude, positive attitude, honesty, trust, and equality. However, the supportive attitude aspect was not possessed by informants III and IV.
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