Fakfor-faktor yang memengaruhi turnover karyawan Rumah Sakit Medistra


  • Hud Sri Nabil Nugraha Program Studi Administasi Rumah Sakit, Program Pendidikan Vokasi Bidang Kesehatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424, Indonesia;, Indonesia
  • Ari Nurfikri Program Studi Administasi Rumah Sakit, Program Pendidikan Vokasi Bidang Kesehatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424, Indonesia;, Indonesia




employees; factors; turnover.


Background: In the era of globalization and increasingly tight business competition, companies around the world are faced with major challenges in maintaining the sustainability of their operations and growth. One of the key factors that directly affects an organization's ability to achieve its goals is workforce stability. However, the problem of employee turnover has become one of the troubling problems for many companies in various industrial sectors. Findings: Factors that affect turnover can be divided into two, namely individual and company factors. Individual factors are factors that come from the employees themselves such as the challenges faced. Heavy workload, job satisfaction levels, even employee mental aspects are included in individual factors. Employees who feel that their work environment is no longer satisfying tend to take it immediately. Methods: This study was conducted using qualitative methods and instrumental case study types. Conducting in-depth interviews on the targets to be achieved, document studies, and observations are the data collection methods used. Conclusion: Medistra Hospital's strategy to reduce employee turnover rates is first by providing regular training to employees, the second strategy carried out is compensation and appreciation, the third strategy is to prioritize a comfortable work environment for all employees.


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