Pengaruh tekanan waktu dan perceived value terhadap pembelian impulsif di shopee live pada konsumen skincare di Indonesia: Emotions sebagai moderasi
emotions, impulsive buying, live-streaming e-commerce, perceived value, time pressureAbstract
Product sales activities conducted through live-streaming have become a new breakthrough in the context of online shopping. The activity is supported by numerous e-commerce platforms that facilitate live product sales activities by creating a live-streaming feature. This live-streaming product sales process causes time pressures and perceived value for the audience which triggers impulsive buying behavior. This study aims to analyze the influence of time pressure, perceived value, and emotions on consumers’ impulsive buying behavior. This conclusive descriptive cross-sectional study uses the S-O-R theory approach, with the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). Data was collected through a survey distributed online to the buyers of skincare products on Shopee Live, aged 18 – 25 years in Indonesia. A total of 280 respondents were successfully collected through surveys using purposive sampling techniques. The results of the study explains that there is a positive influence of time pressure on impulsive buying behavior mediated by perceived value. This study is expected to help businesses and managers in determining product sales strategies during live streaming, specifically for skincare product sellers on Shopee Live.
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