Analisis perkembangan wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi dan Kota Bekasi berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 60 Tahun 2020
Bekasi City; Bekasi Regency; Presidential Decree Number 60 of 2020; population growth; regional development.Abstract
Background: Bekasi Regency and City are part of the Jabodetabek-Punjur region which experienced rapid development in the period 2000 to 2023. The aim of this research is to analyze the history of physical development, population, environmental problems of urban areas in Bekasi Regency and City, as well as analyze the content Presidential Regulation no. 60 of 2020 related to the environment. Methods: Qualitative methods are used to analyze environmental problems in Bekasi Regency and City, analyzing the contents of Presidential Decree No. 60 of 2020 related to the environment and developing a concept for integrating the content of these policies related to the environment into the Bekasi Regency and City Spatial Planning Plan through literature study. Findings: The results of spatial analysis show that the implementation of Presidential Decree no. 60 of 2020 on the development of the Bekasi urban area requires synergy between protected areas, cultivation areas, and residential center systems, including the city core area, surrounding urban areas, and transit-oriented development areas. Conclusion: The availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure will support damage control and reduce environmental pollution, as well as encourage sustainable regional development.
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