Solid waste management strategies planning of Cimahi City based on 2018 district/city sanitation strategy guideline


  • Indah Fionita Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, National Institute of Technology, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 50229, Indonesia;, Indonesia
  • Iwan Juwana Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, National Institute of Technology, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 50229, Indonesia;, Indonesia



guideline; management; sanitation; strategy; waste.


Background: Cimahi City is one of the cities in West Java facing solid waste problems, such as the limited implementation of waste sorting activities, the limited number of transfer stations, the indiscriminate waste disposal on river, open burning of solid waste, etc. In overcoming these various waste problems and achieving the target of 30% waste reduction determined by the National Strategic Policy, an instrument is needed to analyze risk areas based on the level of risk of solid waste per village in Cimahi City. Findings: These risk areas are depicted in the form of maps by referring to the 2018 District/City Sanitation Strategy Guidelines. Risk areas are assessed through a score of 1 until 4 for very low, low, high and very high risks. The score is obtained by multiplying the Impact parameters and Exposure parameters. Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach. The object of this research is the amount of flow discharge in the five river sections, while the subject of this research is the observation. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that there are three villages with very high risk of solid waste, namely Village Cibeureum, Setiamanah, and Padasuka and one village with high risk of solid waste, namely Village Melong. The addition of the number of treatment units was recommended in several villages so that changes in the score of risk areas occurred.


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