Kajian potensi pengembangan teknologi hidrogen sebagai sumber EBT melalui skema CDM dalam mendukung pencapaian NDC Indonesia
alternative energy; clean development mechanism (CDM); hydrogen technology; new and renewable energy (EBT).Abstract
Background: In realizing the mitigation of global climate change, Indonesia is committed to participating in formulating policies for the use of environmentally friendly clean energy. One of the policy formulations produced is an effort to reduce emissions by implementing New and Renewable Energy (EBT). Findings: One of the potential uses of EBT that can be developed is hydrogen. Hydrogen technology is a potential fuel-producing technology because it can produce clean and sustainable energy sources without emissions. This article aims to review the prospects and challenges of the potential use of hydrogen-producing technology in Indonesia. Methods: To achieve this goal, the systematic literature review method is used in examining primary and secondary data sources from previous studies. The results of the literature study were then analyzed qualitatively (descriptively). Conclusion: The results of the study show that as a potential fuel, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the earth and can be produced based on the energy source used. In addition to its clean combustion features, the appeal of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly EBT comes from its greater level of effectiveness than gasoline. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, the opportunity for hydrogen production using geothermal energy in Indonesia is considered high because geothermal resources are widespread in several regions of Indonesia. The results of the study also revealed that the cost for small-scale geothermal utilization is 1.08 USD/kgH2 using a power plant. However, of all the resources considered in this article, Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) and coal gasification are the cheapest techniques related to operational technical factors and costs of 1.2 - 2.2 USD / kg.H2. With the CDM mechanism, Indonesia can use hydrogen EBT to achieve national emission reduction targets. This article ends with a form of proposal that can help implement CDM in Indonesia towards achieving national emission reduction targets or Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).
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