Sustainability strategy for disposable face mask waste management: Study in Cinere District, Depok


  • Khairun Nisa Department of Environmental Science, School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia


covid-19, disposable face mask, impact of pollution, sustainability strategy


Background: The use of disposable face masks has become a necessity and a habit since the outbreak of  COVID-19. Improper disposal and management creates a trail of waste that can potentially be a source of pollution in the environment. This study aims to analyze the potential impact of household-scale disposable face mask waste pollution in Cinere District to develop a sustainable strategy for disposable face mask waste management. Methods: The method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and qualitative descriptive statistical analysis. Findings: The results showed that the average use of disposable face masks in Cinere District was 2 pieces/day with a weight of 3.54 grams and it was estimated that the people of Cinere District produced 106,739 disposable face mask waste with a microplastic release rate reaching >93.93 billion/day. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the perception and role of the community and the government are very important and impactful on the potential of pollution of disposable face mask waste in the environment and the right strategy to tackle this issue is turn-around. Novelty/Originality of this article: The novelty of this article lies in emphasizing the crucial role of local governments in the management of mask waste.


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