Spatial analysis of hepatitis a case distribution using Moran’s index and LISA (local indicator of spatial association): A case study of Sudimoro District, Pacitan Regency in 2019
hepatitis A, spatial autocorrelation, Moran's index, LISA (local indicator of spatial associaton), population densityAbstract
Background: Hepatitis A is an infectious disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). This virus can spread from human to human by oral-fecal route, by consuming food contaminated with HAV and using drugs that are injected into the veins of people with HAV. Hepatitis A risk factors can be viewed from: (1) Factors causing (agent), (2) environmental factors (environment), (3) factor host (host). Hepatitis A occurs in several developing countries where the HAV virus is endemic. Hepatitis A occurred in Pacitan Regency in 2019 with a total of 1.314 cases of sufferers, so that the Common Laurent Incidence (KLB) of Hepatitis A was determined in Pacitan Regency. Sudimoro Subdistrict is a sub-district in Pacitan Regency with the highest number of sufferers reaching 908 patients spread across 10 villages in Sudimoro District. Methods: Using the Moran's Index method, LISA (Local Indicator of Spatial Association), simple linear correlation, and an overlay between the number of sufferers and the total population. The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the spatial autocorrelation of the distribution of Hepatitis A sufferers in Sudimoro District in 2019. (2) to examine the relationship between population density and the distribution of Hepatitis A sufferers in Sudimoro District, Pacitan Regency in 2019. The method used is descriptive quantitative method, which explains the results of data processing in the form of a LISA cluster map and simple linear correlation. Findings: The results showed that (1) There was spatial autocorrelation in the distribution of Hepatitis A patients with Sudimoro Village, Gunungrejo Village, and Pagerlor Village as the high spatial cluster and Klepu Village, Sembowo Village, and Ketanggung Village as the low spatial cluster. (2) Population density has a relationship with the distribution of Hepatitis A sufferers, meaning that the higher the population density, the higher the number of hepatitis A sufferers, and vice versa. Conclusion: The correlation index of 0.48 means that the relationship has moderate strength. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study create a spatial model of the distribution of hepatitis A sufferers as a reference to assess the spatial autocorrelation of the distribution of hepatitis A sufferers and see the relationship between population density and the number of sufferers.
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