Evaluation of slope gradient suitability for rulal settlements and environmental quality (Case study : Slope gradien in Jembayan Tengah Village)
Central Jembayan, land suitability, slope gradient, land use, settlementAbstract
Background: Furthermore, population growth gives rise to an increased demand for land with specific uses, such as housing. In particular, regions with a considerable degree of mining operations, such as Jembayan Tengah Village, are of significant concern. Methods: This research employs a quantitative methodology, utilizing techniques of land use digitization and overlaying land use maps with slope gradients obtained from DEMNAS data. Findings: The research findings indicate that the Jembayan Tengah Village area is characterised by a predominantly flat slope gradient, with an area of 867.12 hectares and a gradient of 0-8%. Furthermore, the settlement development pattern in Jembayan Tengah Village can be classified as unsafe, given that the majority of settlements are situated on slopes with gradients > 15% equating to 6,615 hectares of the total settlement area. Conclusion: The evidence suggests that the development of residential areas in Jembayan Tengah Village is associated with an increased risk of natural disasters and a reduction in the safety of the local population. Novelty/Originality of this article: Further research is required to gain a deeper understanding of the primary factors, beyond slope, that influence the suitability of agricultural land.
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