Mangrove tourism management strategies and policies towards sustainable mangrove tourism: a comparison study between Mexico and Indonesia


  • Dela Almira Aryanti School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Raldi Hendro Koestoer School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia



comparison, environmental monitoring, mangrove conservation, sustainable, tourist


Background: Sustainable mangrove tourism is important to maintain mangrove ecosystems and ecosystem services that are vital to people's livelihoods, especially in the face of economic development pressures from the tourism sector. Mexico and Indonesia have significant mangrove cover and face rapid mangrove loss due to anthropogenic activities, including tourism. Methods: This research used a literature review method, reviewing literature and reliable sources, especially those published in 2023. Policies related to sustainable mangrove tourism in Mexico and Indonesia were analyzed to identify and compare current policies, and evaluate differences, similarities, and lessons learned that can be applied in Indonesia to support sustainable tourism. Results: The study found that the two countries are similar in terms of government control of mangroves, conflicting policies involving multiple interests, and awareness of the importance of involving local communities in mangrove management. Significant differences were found in the history of mangrove area utilization, coordination between government agencies, and the effectiveness of the monitoring system in Mexico, which is more advanced compared to Indonesia. Conclusion: Indonesia can learn lessons from Mexico regarding increased community participation in mangrove management, development of a more integrated monitoring system, and improved coordination between government agencies. Adopting these practices can improve the effectiveness of sustainable mangrove tourism management policies in Indonesia, ensuring the preservation of mangrove ecosystems while supporting economic growth through the tourism sector.


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