Forest fires in Kalimantan: study case Central Kalimantan


  • Nethanya Frigiant Suluh Adji Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, President University, Indonesia



environmental law, environmental, fire, forest, law


Background: Forest fires are a serious problem that occurs frequently in Indonesia, particularly in the Kalimantan region. These fires not only damage forest ecosystems, but also disrupt public health and economic activities. This study aims to identify the main sources of forest fires in Central Kalimantan and to evaluate the effectiveness of law enforcement on forest fires. Methods: A qualitative approach was used in this research with two main data collection methods: literature review and case study. The literature review was conducted to understand the context of forest fires and existing regulations, while the case study was conducted in the Mawas region of Central Kalimantan to gather empirical data from local communities' experiences of fire causes and law enforcement. Results: Based on the data collected, the main source of forest fires in Central Kalimantan is the activities of field farmers and fishermen. The table shows the percentage of respondents in the five villages who identified different sources of fires, with smallholder farmers and fishermen being the largest contributors. Although there are regulations governing the use of fire, law enforcement is still very weak, as evidenced by the lack of legal action against violators. Conclusion: Forest fires in Central Kalimantan are mostly caused by human activities, especially by farmers and fishermen. Although there are regulations in place, enforcement of the laws has not proven effective in preventing forest fires. The government needs to make more determined and systematic efforts to raise public awareness and improve compliance and strengthen law enforcement to reduce the frequency of forest fires in the future.


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