Analysis of factors affecting the intention of continued use of mobile payment services among generation z: a UTAUT2 approach
generation z, mobile payment, sustainable use, user habits, UTAUT2Abstract
Background: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence continuance intention of mobile payment services among Generation Z in Indonesia. This study uses the UTAUT2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2) model as a framework and tests several hypotheses related to the factors that influence continuance intention. Methods: Data were collected through an online survey of Generation Z m-payment users in Indonesia. The survey measured constructs related to UTAUT2, namely user satisfaction, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit. Hypotheses were tested using multiple linear regression analysis and mediation analysis. Results: The results show that user satisfaction, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, and habit have a significant positive impact on the intention of continued use. However, social influence and price value have no significant impact. Furthermore, user satisfaction mediates the relationship between performance expectancy and continuance intention. Conclusion: This study shows that habit, satisfaction, and facilitating conditions are the strongest predictors of m-payment continuous use intention among Generation Z in Indonesia. This knowledge can be used by m-payment service providers to develop more effective strategies to attract and retain users, focusing on forming usage habits, increasing user satisfaction, and facilitating user access to services.
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