Correlation between information seeking behavior and innovative work behavior among college students


  • Alyah Fauziah Ramadhanti Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


college student, correlational, innovative work behavior, information-seeking behavior, multiple regression


Background: The role of creativity and innovation in the evolution of modern society is vital. Especially among university students, innovative work behavior is a major concern as they are considered as future agents of change. Various factors, both internal and external, influence innovative work behavior, with information seeking behavior playing a crucial role in this dynamic. Methods: This study adopted a correlational approach to explore the relationship between information seeking behavior and innovative work behavior among university students. The research sample included 539 students from various disciplines at various universities in the Greater Jakarta area. Data analysis used descriptive statistical techniques to provide an overview of the participants' demographic data, and Pearson Correlation was used to measure the relationship between the variables studied. In addition, a comparison of the mean scores of innovative work behavior based on demographic characteristics was studied using independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA methods. Results: Analysis showed a positive and significant correlation between information seeking behavior and students' innovative work behavior. This finding is in line with previous research that emphasizes the importance of information-seeking behavior in supporting the process of creativity and innovation. In addition, there were significant differences in innovative work behavior based on students' field of study. Conclusion: This study highlights the urgency of developing information-seeking behavior among university students as one of the strategies to increase their level of innovative work behavior. The implications of these findings confirm the need to consider the role of information-seeking behaviors as an integral component of the higher education curriculum to help shape a generation of students who are competitive and innovative in an ever-evolving society.


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How to Cite

Ramadhanti, A. F., & Kusumastuti, R. D. (2024). Correlation between information seeking behavior and innovative work behavior among college students . Linkage, 1(1), 39–45. Retrieved from




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