The influence of advertising appeal and brand image on brand awareness of Bango soy sauce
advertising, brand awareness, brand image, bango soy sauce, linear regressionAbstract
Background: This study aims to investigate the impact of advertising appeal, brand perception, age, education and income on Bango soy sauce brand awareness in the city of Surakarta. Methods: The study was conducted in the city of Surakarta, with 100 participants selected on the basis of certain criteria, including residence in the city of Surakarta, exposure to Bango soy sauce advertising and at least one purchase of the product in the previous month. An online questionnaire distributed via Google Forms was used to collect data. Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the data collected. Results: The results showed that advertising attractiveness, brand awareness and age positively and significantly influenced Bango soy sauce brand awareness in Surakarta, while education and income did not influence Bango soy sauce brand awareness in Surakarta. Conclusion: Advertising proved to be the most influential factor affecting Bango soy sauce brand awareness; therefore, increasing the attractiveness of advertisements could potentially increase consumer awareness of Bango soy sauce.
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