The commodification of the hijab in generation z on instagram
commodification, selebgram, social media, z generationsAbstract
Background: Commodification is also the process of changing use value into exchange value carried out by capitalists so that it can be bought and sold on the market. This commodification of the hijab has the concept of using celebrities who wear the hijab to promote their goods or services to attract consumers, especially Muslim women. Methods: This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. This research aimsto determine the commodification of the hijab in generation Z on Instagram because almost all generation Z use the hijab as a life style. This research uses Mosco's Commodification theory which consists of Content Commodification, Audience Commodification, and Labor Commodification. Results: Based on research results, some women wear the trendy modified hijab to show their identity and as a medium for self-expression. Conclusion: The hijab is a way to express oneself, because some women wear modified hijabs to follow trends, and also wear modified hijabs to adapt to their environment so they can still look fashionable and fashionable so they don't seem out of date, and can still be active with various kinds of activities. without being distracted by the hijab that is being worn.
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