Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari) 2024


  • Analisis pola asuh anak pada keluarga miskin di lapak pemulung, Jalan Fatimah, Kelurahan Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Depok

    DOI : 10.61511/jyoa.v1i1.2024.676 Abstract View : 32 PDF downloads: 24
  • Anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR): pengelolaan air limbah komunal pada pesantren Salafiyah Syafi’iyah di Situbondo

    DOI : 10.61511/jyoa.v1i1.2024.678 Abstract View : 70 PDF downloads: 50
  • Analisis pemasaran sosial di SMPN 98 Jakarta

    DOI : 10.61511/jyoa.v1i1.2024.679 Abstract View : 37 PDF downloads: 12
  • Perceptions of coffee farmers on coffee processing and production in Rana Mese village, Sambi Rampas sub-districy, East Manggarai district to improve family welfare

    DOI : 10.61511/jyoa.v1i1.2024.705 Abstract View : 29 PDF downloads: 7
  • Drug abuse prevention strategy in youth and student community in Indonesia

    DOI : 10.61511/jyoa.v1i1.2024.774 Abstract View : 54 PDF downloads: 18
  • Pemaknaan lagu day6 zombie (english version) terhadap fenomena quarter life crisis: Studi pada kalangan mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi

    DOI : 10.61511/jyoa.v1i1.2024.1048 Abstract View : 58 PDF downloads: 42