About the Journal

The Journal of Youth and Outdoor Activities (JYOA) serves as a beacon illuminating the intricate dynamics between young individuals and their engagement in outdoor pursuits. Through meticulous peer-reviewed scholarship, JYOA delves deep into both the theoretical underpinnings and empirical realities shaping this vital intersection. With a commitment to interdisciplinary discourse, the journal welcomes scholars and scientists from diverse backgrounds, fostering a rich tapestry of insights that encapsulate the multifaceted nature of youth involvement in outdoor activities.

Journal of Youth and Outdoor Activities (JYOA) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical studies of the youth in outdoor activities. As an interdisciplinary journal, JYOA invites all academic or scientist from various background to understand every related aspect that creates irreplacable relationship between the youth and outdoor activities.

At its core, JYOA seeks to unravel the complexities surrounding youth engagement in outdoor pursuits, offering a platform for rigorous inquiry and scholarly exchange. Through a synthesis of theoretical frameworks and empirical investigations, the journal elucidates the myriad factors influencing youth behaviors, motivations, and experiences in outdoor settings. From psychological constructs to sociocultural influences, JYOA navigates the intricate web of forces shaping youth participation in activities such as camping, hiking, adventure sports, environmental conservation, and beyond.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari) 2024
					View Vol. 1 No. 1: (Februari) 2024
Published: 2024-02-29


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View All Issues

Journal of Youth and Outdoor Activities (JYOA) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical studies of the youth in outdoor activities. As an interdisciplinary journal, JYOA invites all academic or scientist from various background to understand every related aspect that creates irreplacable relationship between the youth and outdoor activities.

Journal of Youth and Outdoor Activities (JYOA) aims to examine and identify issues or problems related to the youth and outdoor activities. The journal focuses on dissemination of ideas relating to practical and theoretical developments of the youth and outdoor activities, which based on interdisciplinary studies.