Managing medical waste in the context of environmental security during COVID-19 in Indonesia


  • Nabila Dwi Agustin Department of Defence & Strategic Studies, Faculty of Social Science, Punjabi University Patiala, India
  • Deandra Nurul Fadilah Sensing Technology Study Program, Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, Universitas Pertahanan RI, Indonesia



environmental security, medical waste, non-military threat, solid waste


One form of non-military threat that is currently occurring is a disease outbreak, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from having an impact on the health sector, the COVID-19 pandemic also has an impact on the environmental sector. Some of the negative impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic include an increase in medical waste. The aim of this research is to examine and describe Managing Medical Waste in the Context of Environmental Security during COVID-19 in Indonesia. This research used a descriptive method and a qualitative approach. The data sources are secondary data (journals, archives, books, documents). The data collection technique is a literature study, with the data analysis used being bibliographic analysis. The results are there is a 30% - 50% increase in medical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Therefore, Understanding related regulations on environmental pollution due to the accumulation of medical waste is still limited. Regulations related to environmental pollution have not been able to reach the wider public. So, The usage of a comprehensive and medical waste management strategy has to be accelerated. Cautious planning and strict usage of standards, methods, and rules on how to dispose of medical waste need to be implemented. In making decisions on that, governments and stakeholders ought to consider both environmental security as much as the human security perspectives of the population.


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How to Cite

Agustin, N. D., & Fadilah, D. N. (2024). Managing medical waste in the context of environmental security during COVID-19 in Indonesia. Environment Education and Conservation, 1(1).




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