Aim and Scope

Environment Education and Conservation (EDUCO) is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, published by Institute for Advanced Social, Science, and Sustainable Future (IASSSF), Jakarta, Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 3062-8210. EDUCO is published twice a year (February and August), and all articles published are available online with open access.



EDUCO aims to advance the field of environmental education and conservation by providing a platform for research that explores innovative approaches and effective practices. The journal is committed to enhancing understanding of how education can foster environmental stewardship and support conservation efforts.



The journal focuses on research that examines the intersection of environmental education and conservation. It highlights studies that investigate how educational strategies and programs contribute to environmental awareness, behavior change, and conservation outcomes. The emphasis is on research that provides actionable insights and solutions for improving educational practices and conservation strategies.



This journal seeks to publish a broad range of scholarly articles, including: 

  1. Innovative Environmental Education Practices: Research on novel and effective approaches in environmental education, including curriculum development, teaching methods, and educational tools that enhance environmental literacy.

  2. Behavioral Change and Environmental Stewardship: Studies examining how environmental education influences behavior change and fosters a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation.

  3. Conservation Education Programs: Analysis of programs and initiatives aimed at promoting conservation, including their design, implementation, and impact on both local and global scales.

  4. Community Engagement and Outreach: Research on strategies for engaging communities in environmental education and conservation efforts, including partnerships, outreach activities, and participatory approaches.

  5. Evaluation and Impact Assessment: Examination of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of environmental education and conservation programs, including assessment techniques and impact metrics.

  6. Policy and Advocacy in Environmental Education: Studies on the role of policy and advocacy in shaping environmental education and conservation practices, including the development of standards, guidelines, and support mechanisms.