Aim and Scope

Social Agriculture, Food System, and Environmental Sustainability (SAFSES) is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, published by Institute for Advanced Social, Science, and Sustainable Future (IASSSF), Jakarta, Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 3047-8022. SAFSES is published twice a year (February and August), and all articles published are available online with open access.



SAFSES journal aims to advance research and understanding at the intersection of agriculture, food systems, and environmental sustainability. The journal seeks to provide a platform for innovative studies that explore how agricultural practices, food production, and environmental policies can be integrated to promote sustainable development. SAFSES is committed to disseminating research that addresses the complexities of social and environmental impacts in agriculture and food systems, and offers actionable solutions for achieving sustainability.



SAFSES focuses on research that examines the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of agriculture and food systems. The journal emphasizes studies that investigate how these systems interact with environmental sustainability and social equity. The focus is on interdisciplinary research that provides insights into effective strategies for creating resilient, equitable, and sustainable food systems.



This journal seeks to publish a broad range of scholarly articles, including: 

  1. Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Research on innovative agricultural methods that enhance sustainability. This includes studies on organic farming, agroecology, conservation tillage, and the use of technology to improve crop yield and reduce environmental impact.

  2. Food System Resilience and Security: Exploration of strategies to strengthen food system resilience and ensure food security. This includes research on supply chain management, food distribution, and the impacts of climate change and economic fluctuations on food systems.

  3. Socio-Ecological Impacts of Agriculture: Examination of how agricultural practices affect social and ecological systems. This includes studies on the effects of land use changes, biodiversity loss, and rural community dynamics resulting from agricultural activities.

  4. Environmental Policy and Governance in Agriculture: Analysis of policies and governance structures that influence agricultural sustainability. This includes research on regulatory frameworks, policy innovations, and governance mechanisms aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

  5. Food Waste Reduction and Management: Research on strategies for reducing food waste and improving waste management in the food system. This includes studies on food recovery, recycling, and initiatives to minimize waste at various stages of the food supply chain.

  6. Social Equity and Justice in Food Systems: Investigation of social equity and justice issues within agriculture and food systems. This includes research on the impacts of food production on marginalized communities, access to resources, and equitable distribution of benefits.

  7. Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture: Exploration of adaptation strategies for agriculture in response to climate change. This includes research on climate-smart agriculture, adaptation technologies, and practices that enhance resilience to climate variability.

  8. Consumer Behavior and Sustainable Food Choices: Studies on consumer attitudes and behaviors related to sustainable food choices. This includes research on trends in dietary preferences, consumer demand for sustainable products, and the influence of education and marketing on food-related decisions.