The influence of trust, popularity, and social media influencer fit on impulse purchases of affordable luxury fashion brands among millennials and generation z
generation z, impulsive buying, influencers, luxury fashion, social mediaAbstract
Background: This study explores the influence of trust, popularity, and perceived fit of social media influencers on impulsive buying behavior in the context of affordable luxury fashion brands in Indonesia. Given the growing significance of social media influencers in marketing strategies, this research aims to determine their effectiveness in shaping consumer trust and purchasing decisions, especially among Millennials and Generation Z. Methods: The research employs a quantitative approach with a hypothesis-testing framework. Data were collected through a structured survey targeting Indonesian Millennials and Generation Z who follow social media influencers. The analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the relationships between variables, including trust, popularity, fit, and impulsive buying behavior. Findings: The results indicate that trust does not significantly influence impulsive buying for affordable luxury fashion brands (H1 rejected). Similarly, the popularity of social media influencers does not have a significant positive impact on trust (H2 rejected). However, perceived fit between influencers and brands positively influences trust (H3a accepted). Despite this, fit does not significantly affect impulsive buying behavior (H3b rejected). These findings suggest that while fit fosters trust, it does not directly translate into impulsive purchasing behavior in this market segment. Conclusion: The study concludes that trust and popularity are insufficient to drive impulsive buying behavior for affordable luxury fashion brands in Indonesia. Instead, perceived fit primarily impacts trust but does not directly influence purchasing actions. The results highlight the nuanced role of influencers in consumer behavior, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and alignment between influencers and brands. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study analyzes the dynamics of affordable luxury fashion brands in Indonesia and provides insights into Millennials and Gen Z’s perceptions of influencers, as well as their implications for marketing strategies in the digital era.
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