The effect of social media use on employer brand attractiveness and intention to apply at FMCG companies in Indonesia


  • Kezia Lumongga Habasaron
  • Riani Rachmawati


application intention, digital transformation, employer brand attractiveness, generation z, social media usage


Background: The use of social media has become one of the key strategies that companies employ to enhance their employer brand appeal. Social media allows companies to effectively share information about their business operations, work environment, and reputation with potential employees. A strong employer brand attractiveness helps companies attract quality talent. However, there are still few studies that examine the relationship between social media usage and employer brand attractiveness, especially in the context of FMCG companies in Indonesia. Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection through questionnaires distributed to 255 Generation Z student respondents in DKI Jakarta. Analyses were conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to examine the causal relationship between social media use and employer brand attractiveness, as well as the mediating effect of employer brand attractiveness on intention to apply. Findings: he results showed that social media use has a significant positive influence on employer brand attractiveness (SLF = 0.61; t-value = 8.10), supporting the initial hypothesis. However, the mediating effect of employer brand attractiveness on intention to apply was not significant (indirect effect SLF = -0.03; t-value = -0.49), although the direct relationship between social media use and employer brand attractiveness remained strong. Conclusion: This study confirms that social media use directly contributes to increasing employer brand attractiveness in FMCG companies in Indonesia. However, the mediating variable employer brand attractiveness does not significantly affect the relationship between social media use and intention to apply. This finding confirms the important role of social media in a company's branding strategy to differentiate itself from competitors. Novelty/Originality of This Study: This study contributes to the literature by showing that social media use plays an important role in shaping employer brand attractiveness, particularly in the context of FMCG companies in Indonesia. This study also provides new insights into the limited mediating influence of employer brand attractiveness on intention to apply, which is rarely discussed in previous research


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How to Cite

Habasaron, K. L., & Rachmawati, R. (2024). The effect of social media use on employer brand attractiveness and intention to apply at FMCG companies in Indonesia . Linkage, 1(2), 81–88. Retrieved from




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