Sustainable strategy of green open space in reducing stress levels in urban areas


  • Abdi Nusa Persada Nababan School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Central Jakarta City, 10430, Indonesia
  • Lina Anandari Dwi Ambarini School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Central Jakarta City, 10430, Indonesia



sustainable strategy, green open space, stress level, urban area


Background: Cities around the world are facing increasing challenges related to high levels of stress in urban areas. One strategy that has been proposed to overcome this problem is the development of Green Open Space with a sustainable approach. This study aims to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of sustainable strategies for developing green open spaces in reducing stress levels in urban areas, with the City of East Jakarta. Methods: This research uses a qualitative approach, employing descriptive analysis to explore the relationship between green open spaces and stress reduction in East Jakarta. The study gathers secondary data from literature and GIS, analyzing factors influencing the sustainability of public green spaces. A systematic literature review was conducted, selecting 13 relevant articles based on publication criteria and research suitability. Findings: The research results show that developing green open spaces with a sustainable approach can significantly reduce stress levels in urban areas. The people of East Jakarta indicate that the existence of green open spaces provides an effective escape from the stresses of daily life, as well as improving their overall quality of life. Improving the quality of green open spaces and sustainable development can create an environment that supports the mental and physical health of urban communities. Conclusion: Collaborating with community participation in the planning process, as well as continuing to conduct research to understand more deeply the positive impact of green open space on the welfare of urban communities so that a sustainable strategy for developing green open space can become a strong foundation for creating a city that is healthier and friendlier to stress levels and hopefully can make an important contribution to sustainable urban development efforts in terms of psychological well-being. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study highlights the significant role of sustainable green open space development in reducing urban stress levels, emphasizing community involvement and continuous research as key factors for fostering a healthier and more livable city.


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How to Cite

Nababan, A. N. P., & Ambarini , L. A. D. (2025). Sustainable strategy of green open space in reducing stress levels in urban areas . Journal of Placemaking and Streetscape Design, 2(2).

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