Aim and Scope

  • Integrative Zoology and Animal Science: This will cover studies on animals that integrate biological knowledge with social implications, such as the impact of human activities on wildlife.
  • Plant Science and Botanical Sociology: This will focus on the intersection of plant science and human societies, including the role of plants in culture, tradition, and community development.
  • Social Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior: This will explore how social structures and behaviors influence ecological and evolutionary processes.
  • Geography, Planning, and Development in Biological Context: This will examine how biological factors influence geographical patterns and contribute to planning and development strategies.
  • Biogeography and Human Interaction: This will study the geographical distribution of species and ecosystems in the context of human geography.
  • Behavioral Physiology and Social Implications: This will delve into how physiological mechanisms behind behavior affect and are affected by social structures.
  • Sociobiology and Population Biology: This will investigate the biological basis of social behaviors and how they influence population dynamics.
  • Navigation, Migration, and Social Impact: This will look at the biological aspects of animal navigation and migration and their social and ecological impacts.
  • Biomedicine and Society: This will focus on the social implications of biomedical research and healthcare practices.