Aim and Scope

Journal of Biopesticides and Agriculture Technology  (JBIOGRITech) is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, published by Institute for Advanced Social, Science, and Sustainable Future (IASSSF), Jakarta, Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 3048-3921. JBIOGRITech is published twice a year (February and August), and all articles published are available online with open access.



JBIOGRITech is committed to advancing the field of biopesticides and agricultural technology. Its primary goal is to showcase pioneering research that explores innovative biopesticide solutions and cutting-edge agricultural technologies. By providing a dedicated platform for high-quality research, JBIOGRITech aims to support the development of sustainable agricultural practices and enhance pest management strategies.



The journal concentrates on research that integrates biopesticides with advancements in agricultural technology. It emphasizes studies that investigate novel biopesticide formulations, their effectiveness in pest control, and their role in sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the focus includes technological innovations that improve agricultural practices and contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly farming methods.



This journal seeks to publish a broad range of scholarly articles, including: 

  1. Biopesticide Development: Research on the formulation and application of biopesticides, including natural and organic substances used to control pests and diseases in crops.

  2. Pest Management Strategies: Studies on the effectiveness of biopesticides in integrated pest management systems, including comparisons with conventional pest control methods and impact assessments.

  3. Advancements in Agricultural Technology: Exploration of new technologies in agriculture, such as precision farming, automated systems, and innovations in crop management that enhance productivity and sustainability.

  4. Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Analysis of how biopesticides and agricultural technologies contribute to sustainable farming practices, including their role in reducing chemical inputs and promoting soil health.

  5. Impact Assessment: Evaluation of the environmental, economic, and health impacts of biopesticides and agricultural technologies, including studies on their safety, efficacy, and long-term effects.

  6. Regulatory and Policy Issues: Examination of regulatory frameworks and policy considerations related to the use of biopesticides and agricultural technologies, including compliance and standards for safe use.