About the Journal

EcoHorizon is an interdisciplinary journal exploring the intersection of ecology and feminism. Operating from an ecofeminist perspective, EcoHorizon examines how the domination and exploitation of women relates to the human domination and exploitation of nature. The journal provides a space to reimagine ecological philosophy and praxis through a feminist lens.

Articles in EcoHorizon analyze the connections between the oppression of women and the degradation of nature under patriarchal systems of power. However, the journal moves beyond critique to envision more sustainable, egalitarian, and caring communities that promote the flourishing of both human and nonhuman life. EcoHorizon publishes scholarship from diverse fields—including philosophy, sociology, literature, theology, and biology—that engages feminist and ecological thought.

Through EcoHorizon, we aspire to cultivate a vibrant intellectual community dedicated to advancing ecofeminist thought and praxis. Our journal is a space for dialogue, collaboration, and solidarity, inviting readers to join us in reimagining relationships between humans and the environment, grounded in principles of justice, reciprocity, and respect.