Assessment of solar radiation potential for solar drying technology of fruits and vegetables


  • Kelvin Mhango Ndata School of Climate and Earth Sciences, Malawi University of Science and Technology, Limbe 5196, Malawi



solar radiation, data collection, solar photovoltaic systems


Background: Malawi gets a lot of sunshine because it is positioned astride the equation. It is abundant since it is a renewable energy source. Absence of information about solar radiation availability is the main obstacle to resource use. With the goal of minimizing post-harvest losses, this study evaluates Malawi's sun radiation potential for drying fruits and vegetables. Methods: Using pyranometers as instruments, automatic weather stations in the districts of Mzimba, Lilongwe, Dedza, Ntcheu, Salima, Mwanza, Thyolo, Mulanje, and Chiradzulu were used to gather secondary data. The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) supplied the primary data, which covered a brief three years (2017 to 2020). Three years' worth of historical data was taken into consideration in order to obtain more significant trends and data validation. Excel and Rstudio were used to evaluate the data in terms of daily and seasonal fluctuation and mapping, respectively. Findings: It is evident from the irradiation map and daily and seasonal variance trends that certain regions of Malawi experience more insolation than others. This results from ITCZ, which affects how the seasons change. These findings will be used to determine which Malawian districts will benefit from the installation of solar dryers by having higher levels of insolation. Conclusion: Further study on solar radiation received at inclined and horizontal planes is what I suggest doing. Novelty/Originality of this Study: This study introduces a novel approach to using solar drying methods for preserving fruits and vegetables in Malawi, addressing the high post-harvest losses in various districts. By focusing on the application of solar drying systems tailored to local solar radiation conditions, the research highlights the importance of harnessing diffuse solar radiation, which is often overlooked, thereby offering a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional drying methods.


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How to Cite

Mhango, K. (2024). Assessment of solar radiation potential for solar drying technology of fruits and vegetables. Environmental and Materials, 2(1), 29–44.




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