Ex Aequo Et Bono Journal of Law (EAEBJOL) is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, published by Institute for Advanced Social, Science, and Sustainable Future (IASSSF), Jakarta, Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 3024-983X. EAEBJOL is published twice a year (January and July), and all articles published are available online with open access.



EAEBJOL aims to provide a leading academic platform for cross-border legal research. The journal fosters the exchange of ideas and advancements in legal scholarship, encouraging studies that have global significance and impact.



EAEBJOL focuses on publishing high-quality scholarly articles that explore the dynamic and evolving nature of law, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to legal studies.



This journal seeks to publish a broad range of scholarly articles, including: 


  1. Law of Arbitration and Mediation:
    Focuses on the application of equitable principles in resolving disputes through arbitration and mediation, exploring how fairness can be maintained even when strict legal rules may fall short.

  2. Contract Law and Negotiation:
    Investigates contract provisions that emphasize fairness in both the creation and enforcement of agreements, especially in cases where the law may not provide a just solution.

  3. International Law and Human Rights:
    Examines the role of fairness and equity in international dispute resolution and the protection of human rights, analyzing how these principles can be applied across different legal systems.

  4. Environmental Law:
    Explores how equitable principles can guide the development of environmental laws, ensuring sustainable practices that balance ecological preservation with human needs.

  5. Law and Ethics:
    Bridges the gap between legal frameworks and ethical considerations, investigating how moral principles can influence legal decisions to achieve greater justice.

  6. Customary Law and Local Wisdom:
    Analyzes how traditional and local legal systems incorporate principles of fairness and equity, and how these can be harmonized with national and international law.

  7. Development of Legal Theory:
    Offers a critical perspective on legal theories, advocating for approaches that prioritize substantive justice over rigid legal formalism.