Improving occupational health and safety discipline for accident prevention through the implementation of the 5-S practice


  • Siti Saroh Tanwir Master of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Planning Engineering, ITATS Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Syaiful Huda Master of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Planning Engineering, ITATS Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Abdul Latif Master of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Planning Engineering, ITATS Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Syafi’i Master of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Planning Engineering, ITATS Surabaya, Indonesia
  • M. Ferdaus Noor Aulady Master of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Planning Engineering, ITATS Surabaya, Indonesia



5S standard, safety discipline, safety impact, work culture


Work accidents are not just a single event but occur through a series of interrelated causes. The main source of accidents is the existence of unsafe actions that refer to worker behavior and unsafe conditions that refer to the work environment. The approach that can be used to prevent work accidents in the work environment is the implementation of the 5S standard through the Plan Do Check Action (PDCA) methodology. The implementation of 5S is carried out in stages and systematically starting from planning, implementation, checking, and continual improvement of each 5S element. Each of the five stages is important and should be taken seriously and handled separately and sequentially. The initial three stages are operational; the fourth phase preserves the state established in the first three phases; and the fifth phase aids in our efforts to improve things continuously. Improved working conditions and an accident-free workplace can result from a better understanding of the 5S idea and how it relates to the safety management system. This will increase employee satisfaction in industrial organizations.


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How to Cite

Tanwir, S. S., Huda, A. S., Latif, A., Syafi’i, A., & Aulady, M. F. N. (2024). Improving occupational health and safety discipline for accident prevention through the implementation of the 5-S practice. Asian Journal of Toxicology, Environmental, and Occupational Health, 1(2).




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