BNPB's Public Relations Dissemination of Information to Improve Disaster Preparedness
barriers, information dissemination, instagram, public relationsAbstract
Background: In an era of rapid technological development, rapid information dissemination is highly desirable, especially regarding disaster issues that affect public safety. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has an important role in disseminating disaster information through social media, one of which is Instagram. This study aims to analyse how BNPB's Public Relations disseminates information to improve disaster preparedness through Instagram, as well as identify the obstacles faced in managing the information. Methods: This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. This research adopts Luttrell's information dissemination theory which includes four stages: Share, Optimize, Manage, and Engage, to analyse the dissemination strategy carried out by BNPB's Public Relations. Findings: BNPB's public relations implemented an information dissemination strategy based on Luttrell's theory. At the Share stage, BNPB opens two-way communication with its followers on Instagram to receive responses, criticisms and suggestions. At the Optimise stage, they provide full contact details and use manual hashtags to facilitate access to information. At the Manage stage, BNPB monitors its Instagram account for the number of followers, comments, regions and demographics of followers. At the Engage stage, BNPB improves relationships with followers through invitations to various activities. The obstacle faced is the lack of human resources managing the Instagram account, which reduces the effectiveness of delivering disaster preparedness information. Conclusion: BNPB's information dissemination through Instagram has been running well through various stages adopted from Luttrell's theory. However, the lack of human resources is a major obstacle in maximising the effectiveness of information delivery to the public. Additional staff is needed to improve disaster preparedness through social media. Novelty/Originality of This Study: This research offers an in-depth analysis of BNPB's use of Instagram as a medium for disaster information dissemination based on Luttrell's theory. It also highlights the challenges faced in managing social media in government institutions, as well as the importance of improving human resources to support more effective communication strategies.
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