Climate Change: Effect of Climate change on Water Resources and Adaptation


  • Yanita Dela Daza Department of Environmental Engineering, Engineering, President University, Indonesia
  • Yunita Ismail Department of Environmental Engineering, Engineering, President University, Indonesia



climate change, harvesting, Indonesia, rainwater, water


Introduction: Climate change has an impact on all sectors of water resources. As a real example, there are many droughts in Indonesia. Changes in the water cycle have caused two extreme conditions, namely an increase in drought conditions which will reduce the natural availability of groundwater. Rainwater Harvesting can be an alternative for adaptation to the current water crisis. The water obtained from rainwater harvesting can be used for many things such as watering plants, washing, bathing, and can even be used for cooking if the quality of the water meets health standards. Methods: The author uses the literature review method. The author searches for literature that is in accordance with the topic of the paper, then makes an analysis, then writes a review of the literature. Findings: . In addition to droughts and erratic rains, climate change is making it harder and harder to find clean water. However, the Indonesian water issue can be solved by using rainwater harvesting. This method is appropriate for harvesting since it takes into account Indonesia's comparatively heavy rainfall. Conclusion: This study concludes that the community can employ rainwater gathering as a water-saving technique to supply clean water needs. Rainwater harvesting will be able to support the survival of both the current and future generations by helping to maintain environmental and water sustainability


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How to Cite

Daza, Y. D., & Ismail, Y. (2024). Climate Change: Effect of Climate change on Water Resources and Adaptation. Journal of Religion and Environmental Humanities, 1(1), 38–47.

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