The relationship between the Petik Pari Rescue tradition and the religious values of the Petungsewu village community


  • Maria Dolorosa Jawa Mara
  • Roni Alim Ba'diya Kusufa
  • Ika Meviana



culture, realigi, tradition, ceremony


Background: This study reveals the relationship between religious values and tradition in Petungsewu Village, Wagir Sub-district, Malang Regency, particularly in the context of the implementation of the "Selamatan Petik Pari" tradition. The village maintains the tradition even though the majority of the population has embraced Islam and Christianity. Methods: A qualitative approach was used to explore this relationship through observation, interviews and analysis of related data. Results: The results show that the people of Petungsewu Village view this tradition as a form of communication with Dewi Sri, the guardian of the farmland, through offerings and prayers. Despite adhering to different religions, they carry out this tradition with a strong belief in its effectiveness in obtaining safety and a bountiful harvest. Interfaith tolerance is also evident in the joint participation in this tradition. The phenomenon of acculturation between Islam, Christianity and traditional beliefs enriches the symbolism and religious practices of the community. Conclusion: the "Selamatan Petik Pari" tradition is an expression of the close relationship between religious values and local culture, which remains relevant and important in maintaining identity and social harmony in Petungsewu Village. This research provides a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between religion and tradition in the context of local community life, and provides a foundation for cultural preservation efforts and a better understanding of Indonesia's rich cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Mara, M. D. J. ., Kusufa, R. A. B., & Meviana, I. (2024). The relationship between the Petik Pari Rescue tradition and the religious values of the Petungsewu village community. Journal of Religion and Environmental Humanities, 1(1), 19–26.

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