Culture-based agricultural development model in dragen village, Jaten subdistrict, Karanganyar regency


  • Aisya Diva Saraswati
  • Andrealina Mulyo Dewi Putri
  • Marisa Novianingtyas
  • Muhammad Farhan
  • Tasya Fitria Hidayah
  • Ernoiz Antriyandarti



agriculture, community interest, culture, economic development


Background: Agriculture plays an important role in a country's economic development. However, the agricultural sector often faces challenges in sustainable development. This research aims to identify the potential and factors causing agricultural problems and analyse structural transformation in Dagen Village, Karanganyar Regency. Methods:  The research method used a descriptive approach with data collection through interviews and literature studies. Results: The results showed that Dagen Village has great agricultural potential, but the lack of community interest in the agricultural sector and farmers' lack of knowledge about modern agricultural techniques are the main obstacles in utilising this potential. In addition, structural transformation is also occurring in Dagen Village, where there is a shift from the traditional agricultural sector to the modern economic sector. Findings: The importance of paying attention to cultural aspects in agricultural development and structural transformation is also highlighted in this study, as culture plays a role in shaping people's mindset and behaviour towards agriculture and economic development. Conclusion: Thus, this research provides insight into the importance of integration between aspects of culture, agriculture, and economic development in the context of rural development.


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How to Cite

Saraswati, A. D. ., Putri, A. M. D. ., Novianingtyas, M. ., Farhan, M. ., Hidayah, T. F. ., & Antriyandarti, E. . (2024). Culture-based agricultural development model in dragen village, Jaten subdistrict, Karanganyar regency. Journal of Religion and Environmental Humanities, 1(1), 12–18.

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