Socio-cultural dynamics in community support in post-consumtion plastic waste management: A case study of DKI Jakarta region
circular economy, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), plastic waste managementAbstract
Introduction: Population growth in urban areas, fuelled by migration from rural areas, has changed lifestyles and socio-cultural dynamics. The dynamic lifestyle of urban communities changes consumption behaviour so that people prefer practical and economical products. There are fundamental issues that arise in the waste management system in Indonesia, including limited waste management capacity in the regions, inadequate infrastructure, implementation of regulations, and lack of public awareness including the consumer goods manufacturing industry on post-consumption waste management issues. This study aims to understand the perception and level of community participation as well as the role of the informal sector in post-consumption plastic waste management, with a focus on the implementation of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme. Methods: Data was collected through a questionnaire survey and literature study in five areas of DKI Jakarta. Through the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), the manufacturing industry is encouraged to contribute to the management of plastic packaging waste produced. This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods with data analysis using descriptive statistics. Finding: The results show that the community supports EPR-related regulations and is ready to participate in plastic waste management schemes. This positive perception reflects changes in socio-cultural values that prioritise environmental concerns. The informal sector also makes an important contribution to plastic waste reduction, especially through collection, distribution, and processing activities in stalls and waste banks. Community support and the role of the informal sector in plastic waste management reflect changes in social attitudes and behaviours that are increasingly concerned about the environment. Conclusion: Therefore, active involvement in plastic waste reduction initiatives also reflects a cultural change that is increasingly integrated in urban communities.
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