The impact of urbanization on environmental degradation in Jakarta


  • ANGGI ARAN PUTRA School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • CAHYANI EKO TRISNAWATI School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • PUJI WAHYU WIDAYAT School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



quality, environment, influence, decline, urbanization


Background: The urbanization discussed in this paper refers to the process of expansion in the proportion of the population living in urban areas. Urbanization is seen as one of the processes of increasing population that drives the functional change of an area, from rural to urban activities. The case discussed in this paper is urbanization occurring in Jakarta city. This paper aims to examine the relationship between urbanization and the decline in environmental quality, especially in Jakarta city. Method: In assessing environmental quality, the reference used follows that set by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, namely the Environmental Quality Index (EQI) which consists of three elements, namely the Water Quality Index (WQI), Air Quality Index (AQI) and Land Cover Quality Index (LCQI), so the variables used are WQI, AQI and LCQI. The data collection method used in this paper is secondary data collection through literature review and official data sources from related stakeholders. The collected data is then analyzed descriptively to determine the relationship between urbanization and each of these variables. Results: Based on the literature review and the results of the LCQI data used, it appears that there is a negative correlation between population growth and land cover in Jakarta Province. This condition is marked by an increase in floods and also an increase in surface temperature. In terms of air quality, this paper found a negative correlation between urbanization and AQI. However, for the condition in 2013 - 2018, a positive correlation was found between the population and AQI. Conclusion: This indicates that an increase in population is not always followed by a decrease in environmental quality. Meanwhile, in relation to water quality, population growth from the urbanization process has a significant impact on water quality in Jakarta. Novelty/Originality of this study: The development of a sophisticated and comprehensive correlation analysis method between population growth and environmental quality indicators, which integrates spatial and temporal data, provides a predictive tool that city governments can use to monitor, manage, and plan mitigation strategies for the impacts of urbanization on the environment more effectively and proactively, and supports data-based decision-making in sustainable urban planning.


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How to Cite

PUTRA, A. A., TRISNAWATI, C. E., & WIDAYAT, P. W. (2024). The impact of urbanization on environmental degradation in Jakarta. Journal of City: Branding and Authenticity, 2(1).




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