Aim and Scope

Journal City: Branding and Authenticity (JCBaU) is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, published by Institute for Advanced Social, Science, and Sustainable Future (IASSSF), Jakarta, Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 3025-4000. JCBaU is published twice a year (January and July), and all articles published are available online with open access.



JCBaU is committed to advancing the understanding of the concepts and practices of city branding and authenticity. The journal seeks to provide a platform for scholarly works that explore the dynamics of place branding, the significance of authenticity in global competition, and the application of these concepts in real-world scenarios. The primary aim is to enhance knowledge on the benefits and implementation of place branding and authenticity strategies.



Journal City: Branding and Authenticity (JCBaU) focuses on publishing research that presents innovative and interdisciplinary perspectives on city branding and authenticity. The journal prioritizes studies that bridge theory and practice in the context of place branding, highlighting the impact of authenticity on global competitiveness. JCBaU supports articles that explore new approaches in place branding, including in-depth analyses of how cities, countries, and regions build and maintain their reputations. The journal also pays special attention to practical applications and policies that support city branding, as well as research on emerging trends and innovations shaping the future of city branding and authenticity.



This journal seeks to publish a broad range of scholarly articles, including: 

  1. City Branding and Reputation Management: Studies on how cities, countries, and regions manage their reputations, including the strategies and tools used to influence external audiences. Examination of branding campaigns, their outcomes, and the role of authenticity in these processes.
  2. Authenticity in Place Branding: Exploration of the concept of authenticity in place branding, including how places can distinguish themselves through unique cultural, historical, and social attributes. Analysis of the impact of authenticity on tourism, investment, and resident satisfaction.
  3. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Place Branding: Articles that integrate perspectives from various disciplines such as marketing, sociology, geography, cultural studies, and urban planning to provide a comprehensive view of place branding. Research that addresses the intersection of place branding with issues like sustainability, social justice, and globalization.
  4. Case Studies and Practical Applications: Case studies showcasing successful place branding initiatives from around the world, highlighting the processes, challenges, and outcomes. Practical insights into how branding strategies can be developed and implemented in different cultural and economic contexts.
  5. Policy and Governance in Place Branding: Discussions on the role of local and national governments in shaping and supporting place branding initiatives. Analysis of policy frameworks that facilitate effective place branding and authenticity practices.
  6. Innovations and Future Directions in City Branding: Exploration of new trends and technologies that are shaping the future of place branding and authenticity. Articles that propose new theoretical frameworks or methodologies for studying and practicing city branding.