Enhancing city authenticity through humanitarian architecture: a synergy of design and identity, case study, Al-Diriyah, Saudi Arabia


  • Yenny Rahmayati Architecture Department, College of Architecture and Design Prince Sultan University Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia
  • Jory AlGhunaim Architecture Department, College of Architecture and Design Prince Sultan University Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia




Al-Diriyah, city authenticity, cultural heritage, humanitarian architecture, urban planning, Saudi Arabia


Architecture acts as a facade to the world, in which one can understand the insides of the people, religion, culture, and much more about a city. Using humanitarian architecture as a guide for reconstructing, as well as the long-term impacts of the urban planning of a city in terms of sustainability and authenticity, this study answers the questions of how the City's character and identity can be maintained while providing quick assistance via humanitarian architecture. What are the challenges that prevent humanitarian architecture from enhancing cities' authenticity, and how can we overcome them? By examining Al-Diriyah project, this study aims to look into the complex relationship of humanitarian architecture with the branding and authenticity of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from the perspective of residents and non-residents. A blended qualitative and quantitive approach was applied as a comprehensive methodology to achieve the objectives. This study will help the application of humanitarian architecture for rebuilding countries in the East, highlighting authenticity and maintaining its cultural significance.


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How to Cite

Rahmayati, Y., & AlGhunaim, J. (2024). Enhancing city authenticity through humanitarian architecture: a synergy of design and identity, case study, Al-Diriyah, Saudi Arabia. Journal of City: Branding and Authenticity, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.61511/jcbau.v1i2.2024.411




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