Pentingnya inovasi kerja: Analisis hubungan perilaku pencarian informasi terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif di kalangan mahasiswa
college student, correlational, information-seeking behavior, informative work behaviorAbstract
Innovation is a crucial need for companies in the current era of globalization, and it is closely tied to the innovative behavior of employees. This innovative work behavior should ideally be cultivated during higher education or before entering the workforce. This research aims to examine the relationship between information-seeking behavior and innovative work behavior among students at the University of Indonesia, with a sample size of 539 students. The study utilizes a correlational approach, employing measurements of information-seeking behavior constructed by the researchers and the Innovative Work Behavior Scale developed by Etikariena & Muluk. Data from the study were then analyzed using Pearson's Correlation, Independent Sample T-Test, and One-way ANOVA. The research findings indicate a significant correlation between information-seeking behavior and innovative work behavior. Additionally, all six dimensions of information-seeking behavior—information needs, sources of information, information evaluation, information acquisition, information utilization, and information ethics—also show significant correlations with innovative work behavior. This research indicates the importance of developing innovative work behavior among students. Therefore, it is hoped that this study can serve as a reference for educators or universities in fostering information-seeking behavior that can cultivate innovative work behavior among students.
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